Our Story

In the early 80’s

After returning from special forces Dave started a roofing company and grew it into a successful enterprise. He ran it with integrity of course. The quality of his workmanship was a solemn promise to all his customers and he stood strongly by every square inch of what he did…always! He was a Master Roofer and was respected throughout the industry.
But one frustrating professional problem began to nag at him.
It seemed that no matter what shingles he used, whether it be the top product of the leading shingle manufacturer at the time or the customer’s direct request, over a relatively short period of time algae, mold and mildew streaking would eventually develop in heavily wooded or shaded areas leading to roof deterioration and eventual failure.
And there was nothing on the market he could find that would resolve this expensive problem with any effectiveness or for any duration of time.
Until then there had been no resolution to the unsightly growths that occur on shaded roofs. But starting around 2002, Dave discovered from observing and studying the copper flashing and venting on the roofs of historic churches and buildings that, clearly, algae and didn’t grow under these at all
He promptly started milling and designing copper strips of his own to address and then solve the problem until he was ultimately awarded a Utility patent from the United States Patent Office.
And his solution was a success.
His strips proved to be more powerful than anything the market had seen previously and by a long shot too! Invigorated by his successful solution he designed and manufactured more models, gradually improving the strength and effectiveness of his system to where it is now the most advanced roofing stripping ever made and the only real long term solution in the prevention of all lichens on sloped roofs. He was ultimately awarded a Utility patent from the United States Patent Office in 2012.
Since then the Copper Cat Team worked with a team of highly qualified business leaders that have extensive knowledge in building products, roofing industry, marketing and sales that collectively came together with all their background knowledge. After extensive work, redevelopments, new designs and advancements with our technology together we have created the ultimate patented product and system in the roofing industry as an accessory to save and protect your roof. Our two part system is unbeatable in the marketplace today. With this marketplace introduction we formally incorporated our company in Michigan as of January 2017 which is now Copper Cat Systems.
Following Dave’s passion for the roofing industry, we still hold to the values.

My American Dream

For generations of entrepreneurs around the world the “American Dream” has resonated with a universally powerful message of hope and the sustaining promise that ambition, drive and determination can and will be rewarded. Of course this “dream” has powered the aspirations of Americans for generations as well, but it’s also fueled the fires of all who’ve heard its call to arms. A call in which all men are created equal and everyone has the opportunity for prosperity as well as the freedom to strive for a better life while achieving their ambitions.


My great, good friend David Spencer lived every single day of his life by this code both faithfully and joyfully and I’d like to share a bit of His story with you today along with Our story of how Copper Cat was born.


Dave Spencer was a soldier, specifically a Sergeant with the elite US Army Rangers (1979-1982). He’d enlisted in the Special Forces at just eighteen because it was his dream to serve and protect his country. He was a humble man who wanted to make a difference and live with honor so that his life could have a deeper meaning and purpose. Dave was a simple man and he was strong, kind and faithful to his friends and family. He loved his family, he loved his closest friends and he believed that the human soul was a gift for us all to cherish.

He promptly started milling and designing copper strips of his own to address and then solve the problem until he was ultimately awarded a Utility patent from the United States Patent Office.

And his solution was a success.


His strips proved to be more powerful than anything the market had seen previously and by a long shot too! Invigorated by his successful solution he designed and manufactured more models, gradually improving the strength and effectiveness of his system to where it is now the most advanced roofing stripping ever made and the only real long term solution in the prevention of all lichens on sloped roofs.

And there was one more thing he really, truly loved in his heart and soul and that thing was... Fishing!

Our story together started more than ten years ago when I was searching the internet for a truck. I was from a small town in Northern British Columbia and Dave, who was from just outside Detroit, had one for sale. I was more than interested (the photo suggested a mint, 99 Hummer H1) so I inquired that if I were to fly down to see it firsthand, could he hold it for me until I got there?


He stated simply — If youre willing to fly down just to see it, I sure will!


He then refused to take any money up front to hold it for me as I was more than a little worried about losing the bargain.


In reply to my anxiety he said — My word is my word. 


Something in the calm clarity of his voice told me that this was all I needed to hear.


So I flew down to Michigan the next week and promptly fell in love with that H1 as only a truck man can!


I couldn’t believe what a bargain this amazing machine was. Dave himself…well, he turned out to be rather on the intimidating side. He was a big bear of a man who still seemed every ounce a US Ranger and that H1 was his pride and joy so I felt no small sense of responsibility when I got behind the wheel. To this day I know in my heart that he would’ve never sold his “baby” to me if he sensed that I could or would not appreciate her. But, luckily for me, I did.


And I can now say with pride, that to this day, I still do.


It was one for the books.

Over the following years and during the time I spent getting to know Dave and his family we discovered an easy friendship and bonded like brothers.


We both loved to explore, to travel and we spent endless, enlightening hours discussing the importance of being good businessmen as well as husbands to our wives and fathers to our children.


Of course when we were fishing we behaved a bit more like ten-year olds ourselves, always trying to outdo each other while we competed for the next Big One! My time spent in his company was full of life lessons and joyful camaraderie. Dave’s steely integrity was always the highest in all regards, his passion for life was unequaled and his character was a steel foundation of support and strength.

About Company

Professional and
Expert Roofing Contractor

It all started in the early 2000’s with David Spencer’s passion for the roofing industry that led him to create Copper Cat Algae Terminator® for a solution to target the moss, mold, algae and mildew streaking on roofs. Since then Dave, an experienced master roofer worked with a team of highly qualified business leaders that have extensive knowledge in building products, roofing industry, marketing and sales that collectively came together with all their background knowledge.

After extensive work, redevelopments, new designs and advancements with our technology together we have created the ultimate patented product and system in the roofing industry as an accessory to save and protect your roof. Our two part system is unbeatable in the marketplace today. With this marketplace introduction we formally incorporated our company in Michigan as of January 2017 which is now Copper Cat Systems.

Max Benjamin


Need help? Contact me

1800-555-6677 [or] info@example.com

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Our Mission

Except obtain procure which ever undetake all ever laborious.

Our Vision

Except obtain procure which ever undetake all ever laborious.

Our History

Except obtain procure which ever undetake all ever laborious.

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Our History

Our History
Superior Roofing Services

1991 - 1995

Our Most Efficient Year

In 1991 we expanded our outstanding service lists, offering a variety of energy saving solutions that we had perfected over the coarse of the last 10 years. Reliable Roofing & Retro-fit has always cared about our customers and their needs.

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  • 1982 - 1985
Why Choose Us

Reason For Choosing Us

Meet Our Team

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